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Foster Keeper is for individuals who want to save lives and value saving time. Foster Keeper is a web-based program that reduces your stress and workload by helping you find open foster homes for animals more quickly, and communicate with your organizations’ fosters and volunteers more efficiently due to our unique foster preference filtering and texting/email feature as well as

user-friendliness design that was personally developed by an experienced Foster-Rescue Coordinator that worked in one of the highest kill shelters in the USA.


We believe that homeless animals can be saved one foster home at a time and that helping the people saving lives is just as crucial to making a difference.


We're on a mission to help Foster Coordinators at animal shelters and rescues be efficient, less stressed and save more lives.


We innovate to help people that are saving animal lives be more efficient and less stressed because their lives and emotional well-being matter to us too. As Foster Keeper becomes more established in the market, we will give back to the organizations, amazing Foster Coordinators, and superstar Fosters that are a part of the animal rescue community. 


Foster Keeper is a web-based dashboard made for one or multiple Foster Coordinators working for animal shelters and/or animal rescue groups to help them more efficiently and effectively register, manage, and massively communicate with Foster homes and Volunteers, while giving great personalized customer service, saving time, and saving more lives!


There is no program like it out there, and this is how Foster Keeper empowers your Foster Coordinator and Fostering program, whether you are a small, medium or large animal shelter or rescue group:


Massive Foster Recruitment

Getting new Foster homes is now easy! Let your Foster parents know they can automatically sign-up to  foster for your organization via

Foster Keeper.


All they need to do is follow the simple steps and you will be notified when there is a new Foster home ready for fostering!

Find open Foster homes quickly

Our unique system and design allows Foster Coordinators to find real available fostering homes in just 2 clicks.

You will no longer annoy the same Foster parents over and over, causing them burnout or leave altogether.


And you won't feel like you will have a heart attack when you get that box of bottle baby kittens right before you need to leave work.

Organized Foster list 

No more messy and long Excel Sheets, piles of paper, or Google Docs that you need to sort through to find a Foster home.

Now you can find your Foster parents in a database organized by their desired fostering preferences!

No more headaches trying to remember what every Foster wants or likes!

Automatic Personalized Communication

Communicate with Foster parents via  email and/or text message that are automatically personalized to remind them of their Foster tasks/responsibilities. 

Did you get a chihuahua with a broken leg? Send a bulk email to all your available homes that can foster that type of pet in just 3 clicks.

Plus keep track of all your communications with each Foster parents.

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